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Are You Ready to Read Tarot with Confidence?

Has reading Tarot ever left you feeling confused, overwhelmed, or full of self-doubt?

Discover The Secret to Clear Tarot Readings Whenever You Pick Up The Cards

with Teri Taylor's  intuitive, step-by-step Tarot Program

To the Tarot lover who’s ready to trust their intuition and read Tarot with confidence. Do you…

• Know the individual card meanings, but struggle to understand the deeper messages in the cards?

• Worry you’re not “getting it right” when you do a reading?

• Get intuitive hits, only to watch them disappear as self-doubt creeps in?

• Dream of delivering meaningful readings for yourself and others?

• Feel ready for more as a Tarot reader, but you’re not sure HOW to access your unique talents?

It’s Time To Trust Your Intuition & Become The Talented Tarot Reader You’re Meant to Be


• Asking the most powerful questions to get the clearest answers in your readings

• Being ready for any spread, client, or questions that come your way… even the tricky ones!

• Empowering yourself & others through advanced Tarot storytelling techniques

• Looking beyond the card meanings and reading the greater story in the cards

• Finding your soul’s purpose using Tarot as your guide

Learning to read Tarot can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and full of self-doubt…

I get it. I’ve been there too.

When I first started reading Tarot 8 years ago, I worried I wasn’t “psychic enough”.

I doubted my intuition and questioned if the “intuitive hits” I received were accurate… or even real!

I dreamt of creating positive change through Tarot, but felt unsure that I’d ever be able to deliver an impactful reading.

But I discovered, it doesn’t have to be that way…

With simple, yet powerful techniques, and your intuition guiding the way… you can transform your Tarot readings.

You already have it within you to become a confident Tarot reader.

All it takes is stepping into your confidence and reading from where it matters most – the heart.

Connect to Your Intuition 100% of the Time and Read Tarot With Confidence

Explore the #1 confidence boosting Tarot program, designed to amplify your intuitive gifts and guide you to clearer, more impactful readings.

I’ve taken all of the Tarot techniques and strategies I’ve learned to guide you towards your ultimate Tarot potential. Each video, exercise, and module is everything you need to fully step into your confidence as a Tarot reader and start delivering meaningful readings with clarity.

After completing this 7 module course, you’ll know exactly how to read Tarot in a way that’s unique to you, positively impacting your life, and the life of those you read for.

With this easy-to-follow program you’ll be ready for any spread, client, or question… even the tricky ones!

Connecting to the deeper story in the cards has never been easier!

Meet Your Tarot Teacher

Teri Taylor is the founder of Heavenly Butterfly Boutique and the director of the Butterfly Tarot Certification Program. She’s been a professional Tarot card reader for more than 8 years , reading for over 10,000 clients worldwide.

Through a mix of authentic leadership and everyday magic, Teri and her team have helped grow Heavenly Butterfly to become one of the most popular websites for people searching for Tarot card meanings and is visited by over 10 thousand people every year. Teri is a best-selling instructor, entrepreneur and business coach. In the world of Tarot, she is seen by many as an innovative leader and top expert.

When it comes to deepening your intuition and developing your Tarot reading skills, Teri is the best guide you can have. She’s all about making Tarot a simple, intuitive and fun part of everyday life that anyone can do. And she's on a mission to bring Tarot into the mainstream, by making it credible and accessible to those who need it most.

Teri is passionate about diversity, inclusion and empowerment.

Here's What You'
Will  Learn

Whether you’re an aspiring Tarot reader, you’ve been reading for years, or you’re ready to transform the way you read Tarot – this course is for you!

I’ll share with you my proven Tarot techniques to connect to your unique talents and uncover the art of advanced Tarot storytelling

On a soul level, you’ll uncover how to deeply connect with your intuition every time you pick up the cards, and learn to weave it all together for more impactful readings.

    Align with who you truly are as a Tarot reader and take your readings to the next level with

             Confidence Building Tools

End the struggle of doubting yourself as a reader with this step-by-step system designed to boost your Tarot confidence and say goodbye to doubt for good.

            Advanced Techniques and Strategies

Empower yourself and others by building a Tarot foundation from the ground up. Begin delivering clear, confident, and powerful Tarot readings with ease.

             Storytelling Mastery

Discover the skills you need to weave a compelling Tarot story through the proven Heavenly Butterfly Tarot method.

               Certification of Completion

Create trust and peace of mind for yourself and others



The Read Tarot with Confidence Course Is Your Guide To Becoming A Confident and Intuitive Tarot Reader

This easy-to-follow course is your guide to amplifying your intuition and advancing your Tarot storytelling skills. I’ll take you step-by-step through each module, coursebook, and videos to support you in becoming an even more confident Tarot reader. PLUS… access bonus materials, meditations, visualizations, and more.

Master the art of intuitively guided readings for yourself and others. After this course, you’ll have the strong foundation for bringing clarity, confidence, and advanced storytelling to every reading you do.. including the tricky ones!

After experiencing this self paced Tarot program, you’ll feel more empowered as a Tarot reader.

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